Renowned Nollywood actress Kate Henshaw celebrated her 53rd birthday with stunning Instagram posts, showcasing her toned physique in a black halter-neck crop top and leggings, complemented by white sneakers.
Expressing gratitude for another year of life, Henshaw shared a heartfelt message thanking Jesus for her health, contentment, and numerous blessings. She wrote, “To the One who wrote my script…To the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. To Jehovah Rohi…I give you all the glory, honour, and adoration. All of you and none of me each and every blessed day I am loaned. Thank you, Jesus, for another year…I am beyond grateful for all that you have blessed me with. I am healthy, content, and filled with immense gratitude.”
Her post has since garnered an outpouring of birthday wishes and admiration from fans and colleagues alike.