The Prince Charles Cinema, one of London’s most popular movie landmarks, has launched a petition to prevent a potential closure from their current landlords.
The statement on petition website 38degrees reads: “The iconic Prince Charles Cinema in London’s West End future is under serious threat! We are beyond disappointed that our landlords Zedwell LSQ Ltd and their ultimate parent company Criterion Capital, have demanded the inclusion of a break clause in our new lease.
“This could leave us homeless with only six months’ notice should they receive planning permission to redevelop the cinema”.
Some of you may have read about the situation regarding our new landlord wishing to add a new redevelopment break clause, with only 6 months notice to our lease.
For now, we’re simply asking you all to share & sign the petition below;
— Prince Charles Cinema (@ThePCCLondon) January 28, 2025
It continued: “Losing The Prince Charles Cinema would mean losing not just an iconic cultural institution, but also an engine for the economy of the West End that brings people from all over London and the surrounding area to watch films, shop and eat and drink. This would have repercussions way beyond the building itself”.
Opening as a theatre in 1962, the Prince Charles has been an independent cinema since 1969.
The two-screen venue has an eclectic mix of Hollywood release, arthouse favourites, and classics from every era. It is known for its popular screenings of Tommy Wiseau’s cult film The Room, as well as the witty messages on its marquee, and counts many famous faces among its fans.
Director Quentin Tarantino, who has a bar named after him in the building, once said: “The Prince Charles Cinema is everything an independent movie theatre should be. For lovers of quality films, this is Mecca”.
Edgar Wright, director of Shaun Of The Dead and Baby Driver, took to X (formerly Twitter) to urge followers “Save The Prince Charles Cinema!”. Fellow film-maker Richard Ayoade has retweeted the cinema’s petition, while actor Daniel Mays (Line Of Duty, Star Wars: Rogue One) and The Mighty Boosh creator Julian Barratt have also shared links.
Save The Prince Charles Cinema! This iconic London cinema is at risk of closing due to unfair rent demands. Sign the petition to protect its future #SaveThePCC via @38degrees
— edgarwright (@edgarwright) January 28, 2025
At the time of writing, the petition has over 50,000 signatures, having raised its target several times during the day.
One fan reacted on X saying “if it closes it will be a tragedy”. Another said the cinema must be protected “by any means”, while one mused aloud how much it would be to buy the building from the landlords.
The Prince Charles is the best cinema in London and if it closes it will be a tragedy. Please sign the petition today, you’ll be doing a good thing.
— Rob Hill (@BMovieBible) January 28, 2025
A West End institution at risk – save the Prince Charles cinema by all means!
— Sadie takes the Stage (@SadiettStage) January 28, 2025
Just saw a petition to save the Prince Charles Cinema, which is at risk, and immediately wondered how much money they would need to buy the building. Almost immediately realised that it’s London so they’d probably need the equivalent of a Marvel movie budget. Fuck landlords.
— Too Much Coffee Dan (@oddballuk) January 28, 2025
Last year, the venue made headlines after it cancelled the premiere of a film with an AI-generated script, following backlash from film fans on social media.
The post London’s iconic Prince Charles Cinema under threat: “If it closes it will be a tragedy” appeared first on NME.