Michel ZgarkaJoin us for a groundbreaking discussion led by Michel Zgarka, CEO of HitLab, at the Grand Débat MaMA on October 18, 2024. Michel Zgarka, a seasoned executive with over 35 years of experience in the media industry, will dive deep into the impact of AI on the future of music. With a career spanning film, TV, music production, and international communications, Michel has been at the forefront of creative innovation, including his work on the viral sensation GUMMYBAR, which has amassed over 6 billion views on YouTube. He’s also been a keynote speaker at over 25 international trade events and has built a reputation for his strategic vision and ability to forge strong global relationships.


In this thought-provoking session, we’ll explore:

– Is AI threatening musical creativity, or can it be harnessed for good?

– How are American and European lawmakers responding to AI in the music industry?

– Can AI help professionals regain control of the overwhelming data and restore meaning to music selection?


As someone who has shaped global media landscapes, Michel Zgarka brings unparalleled insight to this timely debate. His expertise in both strategic and creative planning, as well as his extensive experience in media, make him the perfect leader for this conversation.


Don’t miss this critical event on October 18, 2024. Stay tuned to KMOB1003 Radio for more details and updates!

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