New York-based Ghanaian film director Kobina de Graft-Johnson, is set to have his newly directed series premiered on BronxNet June 19. The series created by both Kobina and Jasmine Patrice White draws on themes like the immigrant experience and body positivity, with an aspirational narrative. The series highlights the diversity and commonality of immigrant experiences, beauty standards, and desires for success and acceptance
De Graft-Johnson and White are part of a cohort of ten BronxNet artists, supported by the artist economy development initiative, “Creatives Rebuild New York” (CRNY), and are currently in the process of further developing the series. Starring as Ashanti, a plus-sized beauty and a first-generation Ghanaian born to immigrant parents, navigating the waters between her parents’ idea of career success, and her own vision for her life, is actress Abena Mensah-Bonsu.
Kobina de Graft-Johnson is a star in the independent film community both in New York and Ghana, and his work has been praised for its unique perspective and powerful storytelling. As a visionary and creative leader of Anibok Studios, building a catalog of over 100 films that are shaping the narrative of Ghanaian culture through films like “Barely Made” that won the Best TV and Web Series award at the 2023 London Pan African Film Festival.
Of the new show, BronxNet executive director Michael Max Knobbe said, “BronxNet provides storytellers and media makers with the tools, technologies, and platforms to create and launch original new shows that connect us, like this dramatic series about the African immigrant experience in NYC, #Stressed.” He added, “We congratulate local artists Kobina and Jasmine on the completion of their pilot episode of #Stressed and extend our thanks to Creatives Rebuild New York for making it possible.”
BronxNet is the independent nonprofit organization serving the people of The Bronx with media production training, access to technology, and television channels. BronxNet programs six channels – 2133, 2134, 2135, 2136, 2137 and 2138 on the Verizon Fios system and six channels – 67, 68, 69, 70, 951, and 952 – on the Optimum system in the Bronx. BronxNet’s ultra-local programming helps connect The Bronx with the world while our training programs and partnerships are a part of community development through media.
The broadcast premiere of #Stressed will take place on Juneteenth, Wednesday, June 19, at 9.30pm on BronxNet channels 67 Optimum/2133 Fios, and at
You can have a first look of the series here!
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